Ambien, which is a prescriptionsleep medication,tendstobecomparable to other sleep medications like Lunesta and melatonin supplements. While Ambien is a fast-acting sedative that causes sleep throughactionon the GABA receptors in the brain, melatonin is a natural hormone that regulates the sleep cycle. Ambienis a prescription medication, as opposed to over-the-counter sleep medications, as ithasthepotential to beaddictiveandtocause side effects.
Apartfrom sleep disorders, the effects of Ambien on memory and cognitive function havealso been studied. Temporaryamnesiaandsleepwalkinghavebeenreported by some individuals, hencetheneed to use it under adoctor's supervision. Ambien's interaction with alcohol and other sedatives alsoheightens risks of dizziness, drowsiness, and lossof coordination.
Individuals with anxiety-related insomnia mayalsobenefitwith other therapies, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and meditativepractices,inthe longterm. Awarenessaboutthe benefits, dangers, and alternatives toAmbienmay aid individuals inmakingintelligentdecisionstowards better sleep.