How often should I review my demographic settings for dating campaigns?

datingads   Звание: Новичок     0     0   07.11.24, 12:46

When running dating campaigns, reviewing your demographic settings regularly is crucial for staying aligned with your audience's evolving preferences. Ideally, aim to review and adjust your settings every few months or whenever you notice shifts in performance metrics like click-through rates, conversions, or engagement. Changes in dating trends, seasonality, and even new app updates can impact user behavior, so keeping your demographic settings current ensures you're targeting the right audience. For example, during holiday seasons or special events, different age groups or interests might become more active, prompting an update. Additionally, if you expand to a new platform or launch a new ad style, reevaluate your demographics to ensure consistency across channels. Staying proactive with your demographic reviews helps maximize the effectiveness of your ads, ensuring they reach the right people at the right time for better engagement and conversions.

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